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邢云,博士,副教授; E-mail: xy7627@aliyun.com            


2006.09-2010.12 武汉大学,分析化学专业,理学博士;  

1999.09-2002.07 河南师范大学,分析化学专业,理学硕士;  

1995.09-1999.07  河南师范大学,化学专业,理学学士    


2002.07-至今   安阳师范学院      

研究方向  分离与富集      


(1) 项目(主持)  




(2) 论文(一作)  

1. A sensitive and selective electrochemical biosensor for the determination of beta-amyloid oligomer by inhibiting the peptide-triggered in situassembly of silver nanoparticles. International Journal of Nanomedicine, 2017, 12, 3171–3179.  

2. Biosorption of Pb(II) by the shell of vivipaird snail:implications for heavy metal bioremediation, Separation Science and Technology, 2016.  

3. Biosensors for the Determination of Amyloid-Beta Peptides and their Aggregates with Application to Alzheimer's Disease, Xing, Y; Xia, N. Analytical Letters, 2015, 48, 879-893.  

4. Synthesis of Water-Dispersed Ferrecene/Phenylboronic Acid-Modified Bifunctional Gold Nanoparticles and the Application in Biosensing, Xing, Y; Liu, L ; Zhao, DQ; Yang, YX ; Chu, XR. Materials, 2014, 7, 5554-5564.  

5.Electrochemical Detection of Low-Molecular-Mass Thiols Based on the Cleavage of Disulfide Bond on Gold Electrode, Xing, Y; Zhong, MY; Han, XC; Yang, XH, International Journal of Electrochemical science, 2014, 9, 2978-2984.  

6. Biosorption of Methylene Blue from Aqueous Solution by Poly(amic acid)-Modified Chitosan, Xing, Y; Li, SJ. Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy, 2014, 33, 1180-1186.    

7. Neutral Red Adsorption onto Modified Chitosan: Effect of pH and Temperature, Yun Xing and Sujuan Li, Separation Science and Technology, 2014, 49: 2241–2248.  

8. Adsorption of Methylene Blue on Poly (Methacrylic Acid) Modified Chitosan and Photocatalytic Regeneration of the Adsorbent, Xing, Y; Zhang, LP; Li, BH; Sun, XM; Yu, JX, Separation Science and Technology, 2011, 46, 2298-2304.  

9. Enhanced adsorption of Methylene Blue by EDTAD-modified sugarcane bagasse and photocatalytic regeneration of the adsorbent, Xing, Y; Liu, D; Zhang, LP. Desalination, 2010, 259, 187-191.  

10. 交联壳聚糖对常见金属离子的吸附性能及机理探讨, 冶金分析, 2014.9  

11. 交联羧甲基壳聚糖的合成及其对Pb2+Cd2+Co2+的吸附行为, 冶金分析, 2013.11    

(3) 获奖 


1. 2011年,Enhanced adsorption of Methylene Blue by EDTAD- modified sugarcane bagasse and photocatalytic regeneration of the adsorbent河南省首届自然科学学术奖二等奖  

2. 2011年,EDTAD修饰甘蔗渣吸附亚甲基蓝及其光催化再生性能研究,安阳市自然科学优秀论文一等奖  

3. 2014年,聚胺酸修饰壳聚糖对亚甲基蓝的吸附行为研究,安阳市自然科学优秀论文二等奖  

4. 2014年,交联羧甲基壳聚糖的合成及其对Pb2+Cd2+Co2+的吸附行为,安阳市自然科学优秀论文三等奖  




1. 2019年,“河南省教学技能大赛二等奖”  

2. 2016年,“安阳师范学院优秀教师”  

3. 2014年,“安阳师范学院师德先进个人”  

4. 2011年,“安阳师范学院优秀教师”  

5. 2011年,“河南省高等学校青年骨干教师”  

6. 2011年,“安阳师范学院文明教职工”  

7. 2010年,“安阳师范学院教学设计大赛一等奖”  

8. 2010年,“河南省教学技能大赛二等奖”  



